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You Already Have It All

let me tell you more!

Your Changing Body Kelley helps guide you into an experience that will allow you to tap into the wisdom of your changing body. Learning how to harness the beauty and power of the changes happening all around us as we enter the rich space of midlife.

Be Your Own Guide Guiding individuals into an experience of getting to know, appreciate and fall in love with all parts/patterns/aspects of their own unique Self. Thus allowing us to tap into all the internal wisdom we hold within us and utilize it to live more fully in life going forward.

Nature/Animal Supported work Through her extensive experience working in and with nature and animals, Kelley can teach others how to use the world around us to inform and support our own healing journey. Experiencing deeper self-connection and self-wisdom which reduces anxiety and frees up space for more freedom, ease and play in our daily lives.








Kelley has an ability to see what a person really needs, and leads them there. I thought I knew what therapy had to offer, but then I began working with her and learned that was not the case. Instead of treating symptoms, Kelley would find the cause and provide the tools for healing I needed.

If you think you have tried everything, or are new and not sure what to expect, you've found a real gem.       

- Hayley

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